레드존의 자동차 이야기/레드존의 자동차 칼럼

해외뿐 아니라 국내에서도 자동차 보도자료를 자세하게 써주었으면.......

레드존 2011. 2. 11. 20:13

시카고 모터쇼에서 현대 제네시스 부분변경 모델이 등장했습니다. 약간 바뀐 부분변경 모델이지만 단순히 외관 바꾸는거에 그치지 않고 엔진라인업이 신규추가되거나 기존엔진을 직분사형식으로 업그레이드 하는등 사실상 파워트레인은 신차수준으로 바뀌었습니다.

그런데 문득 생각해보니까 뉴스와이어를 통해 국내자동차업체에서 배포하는 보도자료와 오토블로그나 월드카팬등 해외에서 배포하는 보도자료의 양과 질이 적지않게 틀리다는걸 그전부터 느꼈습니다.

이번에 나온 제네시스 부분변경모델도 그렇습니다. 비록 국내에서 출시되는 차가 아닌 미국형 제네시스이지만 시카고 오토쇼에 출시한 제네시스 부분변경 모델을 통해 국내에서도 제네시스외관이 부분변경될 가능성이 높습니다. 따라서 가능하면 국내에서도 해외처럼 자세한 보도자료를 제공해 주었으면 좋겠네요.

아래는 뉴스와이어에서 배포하는 현대자동차 보도자료입니다.


제네시스가 보다 강력해진 동력성능과 한층 고급스러워진 외관 디자인으로 미국 럭셔리카 시장에 새로운 돌풍을 예고하고 있다.

현대자동차(회장 정몽구)는 9일(현지시간)부터 20일까지 미국 시카고 소재 맥코믹 플레이스(McCormick Place)에서 열리는 ‘2011 시카고 오토쇼(Chicago Auto Show 2010)’(이하 ‘시카고 오토쇼’)에서 기존 모델에 비해 동력성능과 상품성을 획기적으로 강화한‘2012년형 제네시스 5.0’모델을 최초로 공개했다.

존 크라프칙(John Krafcik) 현대차 미국 법인 사장은 인사말을 통해 “작년 현대차는 쏘나타, 투싼 등의 판매호조에 힘입어 미국에서 연 판매 기준으로 사상 최고의 실적을 달성했다”며 “올해에도 현대차는 획기적인 마케팅과 함께 상품성이 더욱 강화된 제네시스와 에쿠스를 바탕으로 브랜드 고급화는 물론 미국시장 판매 확대에 더욱 박차를 가할 것”이라고 말했다.

‘2012년형 제네시스 5.0’모델은 현대차의 세계적인 파워트레인 기술력이 종합적으로 응축된 타우 5.0 GDI 엔진과 8단 후륜 자동변속기를 탑재해 한층 강력해진 동력성능과 최적의 승차감을 제공한다.

타우 5.0 GDI 엔진은 최고출력 435ps(429HP), 최대토크 52.0kg·m(376lb.ft)로 동력성능을 획기적으로 향상시키면서도 연비 또한 고속도로 주행 기준 약 10.6km/ℓ(25mpg)를 달성해 최고의 성능을 자랑한다.

특히 현대차의 최고급 대형 엔진으로 지난해 미국 자동차 전문미디어 ‘워즈오토(Wardsauto)’의 ‘2011 10대 최고엔진(2011 10 Best Engines Winners)’에 선정됐으며, 이로 인해 타우엔진은 2009년과 2010년 4.6리터 엔진의 수상을 포함해 美 10대 최고엔진에 3년 연속 이름을 올리며 기술력을 전 세계에 입증한 바 있다.

아울러 5.0 GDI 엔진과 함께 탑재된 8단 후륜 자동변속기는 현대차가 완성차 업체 가운데 세계 최초로 개발해 이번에 처음 상용화한 것으로, 최고의 가속능력과 변속감은 물론 최적의 변속 효율로 연비 효율을 크게 향상시켰다.

외관 디자인은 ▲LED 라이트 가이드와 다크 크롬이 적용된 헤드램프 ▲한층 역동적인 디자인의 라디에이터 그릴 ▲19인치 대형 알로이 휠 ▲범퍼 일체형 듀얼 머플러 등을 적용해 고급스러움을 한층 부각시켰다.

또한 운전자가 의도하지 않게 차선을 이탈하는 경우 경고를 발생시켜 안전운행을 돕는 ‘차선 이탈 경보 시스템 (LDWS, Lane Departure Warning System)’을 적용해 승객 안전성을 극대화시킨 것이 특징이다. (북미사양 기준, 국내 旣 적용)

현대차는 5.0 모델 외에 기존 3.8과 4.6 모델에도 8단 후륜 자동변속기를 탑재한 ‘2012년형 제네시스’를 올해 상반기 북미시장에 출시할 예정이다.

특히 3.8 MPI 엔진을 3.8 GDI 엔진으로 새롭게 교체해 최고출력 338ps(333HP), 최대토크 40.2kg·m(291lb.ft)로 동력성능을 크게 향상시킨 것이 특징이다.

아울러 현대차는 현대차가 직접 후원하는 미국 내 유명 레이싱 팀 ‘리즈 밀렌 레이싱(Rhys Millen Racing)’이 직접 제작한 벨로스터 레이싱카도 최초로 공개해 관람객들의 이목을 집중시켰다.

벨로스터 레이싱카는 신소재를 적용해 차체 무게를 획기적으로 경감시키고, 볼 베어링(ball bearing) 방식이 적용된 터보차저를 통해 최고출력 500ps, 최대토크 80 kg.m 이상의 강력한 동력 성능을 확보해 레이싱에 최적화된 차량으로 제작됐다.

이와 함께 현대차는 상품성이 획기적으로 강화된 쏘나타 터보 2.0 모델과 우수한 동력성능 및 친환경성으로 출시 전부터 큰 기대를 모아온 쏘나타 하이브리드 모델을 각각 전시하고 지난해에 이어 올해에도 쏘나타 판매 돌풍을 이어나갈 계획이다.

이 밖에도 현대차는 ▲쿠페형의 개성적이고 스포티한 특성에 해치백의 실용성을 가미한 신개념 3도어 유니크(Unique)카 벨로스터 ▲미래지향적 디자인의 소형 CUV 콘셉트카 커브(CURB) ▲미국 내 소아암 연구 및 치료를 지원하기 위한 현대차의 사회공헌 프로그램인 ‘호프 온 휠스(Hope on Wheels)’를 널리 알리기 위해 미 전역을 순회하는 ‘호프 온 휠스’ 싼타페 차량을 전시해 관람객들의 큰 관심을 끌었다.

한편 현대차는 20일(현지시간)까지 진행될 이번 시카고 오토쇼에서 약 1,772㎡(약 536평)의 전시공간을 마련하고‘2012년형 제네시스 5.0’을 비롯해 엘란트라, 쏘나타, 에쿠스 등의 양산차와 쏘나타 하이브리드, 커브 등의 친환경차 및 콘셉트카를 포함, 총 23대의 완성차를 선보일 예정이다.


아래는 해외에서 배포하는 현대자동차 보도자료입니다.



New 5.0-liter V8 R-Spec Model, Enhanced Direct Injection V6 Engine and New Eight-speed Transmissions Significantly Improve Driving Dynamics and Refinement

CHICAGO, Feb. 9, 2011 – Hyundai's award-winning Genesis sedan continues its segment leadership with exterior design improvements, new direct injection technology for its Lambda V6 engine, new eight-speed automatic transmissions, and enhanced chassis tuning. In addition, a new 5.0-liter direct injection V8 engine is now available exclusively with the 5.0 R-Spec model, which includes unique 19-inch machined-finish alloy wheels, optional Michelin Pilot Sport PS2 summer performance tires and sport-tuned transmission, suspension and steering calibrations for exhilarating vehicle dynamics.

The heart of the Genesis 5.0 R-Spec model is a new Tau V8 engine producing 429 horsepower at 6,400 rpm and 376 lb. ft. of torque at 5,000 rpm. This new Tau V8 represents the most powerful Hyundai engine ever, with a higher specific output (85.8 hp/liter) than its normally-aspirated premium luxury competitors. For 2011, the Tau V8 engine family has again been named to the prestigious Ward's Ten Best Engines for the third consecutive time.

Genesis 5.0 Competitive Set 5.0 R-Spec
5.0-liter V8 Lexus GS460 4.6-liter V8 Infiniti M56 5.6-liter V8 M-B E550 5.5-liter V8
Normally-aspirated V8
Specific Output (HP/liter) 85.8 74.3 75.0 69.5

The 5.0-liter cylinder bore was increased from 92 mm to 96 mm over the 4.6-liter bore for a total displacement of 5.0 liters (5,038cc). In addition to the enlarged displacement, direct injection technology has been added. This high-pressure direct injection system (over 2200 psi), dramatically increases power and torque while reducing fuel consumption and emissions. Compression ratio has been increased from 10.4 to 11.5:1 for greater thermal efficiency and output. The Tau also receives a revised bed plate for improved block rigidity and lower NVH as well as camshaft carriers and a roller timing chain to improve valvetrain stability.

5.0 R-Spec Direct Injection Tau V8 engine
Even more, this new V8 still offers all of the premium engine technology from the 4.6-liter V8, including Dual Continuously Variable Valve Timing (D-CVVT), a tuned variable induction system, and low-friction diamond-like coatings (DLC) on piston skirts, rings and tappets. Even with these impressive power increases, fuel economy is estimated at 16 mpg city and 25 mpg highway, nearly matching the 4.6-liter V8 (17 mpg city/26 mpg highway). As an additional point of interest, this same 5.0-liter Tau V8 with eight-speed transmission will replace the current 4.6-liter V8 as the standard powertrain in the 2012 Hyundai Equus premium luxury sedan, on sale this summer.

The Tau 5.0-liter V8 is coupled with a new in-house eight-speed transmission. This new Hyundai-developed transmission adds two additional ratios to enhance acceleration, shifting smoothness, and transmission efficiency by six percent over the former six-speed. All eight-speed transmissions will include SHIFTRONIC® manual shift capability. This new eight-speed transmission is the first offered by a non-luxury branded manufacturer.

Hyundai-developed eight-speed automatic transmission
In keeping with Hyundai engineering philosophy, the R-Spec also will include more aggressive chassis tuning, matching its corresponding powertrain enhancements for optimal dynamic balance. For enhanced body roll control, front stabilizer bar diameter has been increased from 25 mm to 26 mm, and rear diameter from 18 mm to 19 mm over the 4.6 model. R-Spec will offer a unique sport design 19-inch alloy wheel with premium machined finish and optional Michelin Pilot Sport PS2 summer performance tires. The R-Spec steering calibration has been matched to this unique wheel and tire combination for optimized performance and driving refinement expectations in this segment. To complete the performance package, front brake rotors have increased from 13.0 inches to 13.6 inches over the 2011 4.6 model.

In addition to the more aggressive styling cues for all 2012 Genesis models, R-Spec will offer unique headlights with dark chrome inserts for a more distinctive front appearance. An R-Spec trim designation badge has been added to the rear deck, and black R-Spec embroidered floor mats daily remind the driver of the performance that awaits behind the wheel. Genesis R-Spec only will be offered in three sport-oriented exterior colors: Black Noir, Titanium Gray, and Platinum Metallic, each with Black leather interior and an all-black leather steering wheel for a differentiated sport appearance from the 4.6 model.

In keeping with its 5.0-liter V8 sibling, the Genesis 3.8-liter Lambda engine will receive direct injection (GDI) technology, boosting its output 15 percent from 290 to 333 horsepower, an impressive gain of 43 horsepower with no increase in displacement. In addition, peak torque rises from 264 lb.-ft. to 291 lb.-ft., a generous increase of 27 lb.-ft. from the same 3.8 liters. Compression ratio increases from 10.4:1 to 11.5:1 for greater thermal efficiency. This new direct-injected Lambda V6 produces a higher specific output (87.6 hp/liter) than its normally-aspirated premium luxury competitors.

Genesis 3.8-liter GDI Competitive Set GENESIS
3.8-liter GDI V6 Lexus GS350
3.5-liter V6 BMW 528i
3.0-liter V6 M-B E350
3.5-liter V6
Normally-aspirated V6 Specific Output (hp/liter) 87.6 86.6 80.0 76.6

The 3.8-liter engine retains all of the premium technologies that have made it outstanding since the launch of Genesis: Dual Continuously Variable Valve Timing (D-CVVT), variable induction, all aluminum block and heads, steel timing chain, and iridium-tipped spark plugs. Besides the generous horsepower and torque gains, direct injection technology produces a significant reduction in emissions through a 40 percent reduction in catalyst light-off time. Further, a variable vane oil pump has been fitted to precisely match oil pressure with engine lubrication requirements for increased efficiency at all engine speeds. As a result, 3.8-liter GDI fuel economy increases over seven percent from 27 mpg to 29 mpg on the highway.

2011 Genesis 3.8-liter Engine vs. 2012 Genesis 3.8-liter Direct Injection with eight-speed automatic
Engine Horsepower Torque
(lb-ft) Fuel Economy (mpg)
Lambda 3.8-liter V6 Direct Injection with eight-speed automatic transmission 290 333 264 291 18 TBD 27 29

3.8-liter Direct Injection Lambda V6 engine
All 3.8-liter engines will be coupled to an in-house-developed eight-speed transmission with SHIFTRONIC and precisely calibrated gear ratios for an overall transmission efficiency gain of six percent. These two additional ratios serve to achieve competing objectives of acceleration and economy without compromise.

For 2012, Genesis' award-winning Tau 4.6-liter V8 powerplant will now be coupled exclusively with an in-house-developed eight-speed automatic transmission with SHIFTRONIC, adding benefits in acceleration and efficiency. Internal engineering tests estimate this new eight-speed transmission to be six percent more efficient at transferring power than the former 6-speed automatic, increasing highway fuel economy from 25 mpg to 26 mpg.

This same 4.6-liter Tau V8 engine was already significantly improved for 2010 with induction and tuning enhancements increasing peak output from 375 to 385 horsepower. A variable intake system, iridium-tipped spark plugs, anti-knock control, and multi-port injection further add to the sophistication of this engine.

2011 4.6-liter Tau V8 vs. 2012 4.6-liter Tau V8 with eight-speed automatic transmission
Engine Fuel Economy (mpg)
Tau 4.6-liter V8 with eight-speed automatic transmission 17 17 25 26

Always seeking to enhance the Genesis driving experience, Hyundai engineers have made further refinements to the 3.8 and 4.6 model suspension damping calibrations. These precise adjustments serve to minimize the traditional compromises between handling precision and ride comfort. In addition, body roll control for the 3.8 model is enhanced, with the rear stabilizer bar diameter increasing from 17 mm to 18 mm. Braking is also improved on both the 3.8 and 4.6 models; the 3.8 model front rotor size increases from 12.6 inches to 13.0 inches, while adding by higher performance 4-piston brake calipers, and the 4.6 model front brake rotors increase from 13.0 inches to 13.6 inches for greater fade resistance.

Not content to rest on their laurels, Hyundai's design team has sought to make a great Genesis exterior design even better for 2012. For the front view, the front grille has been enhanced, a more aggressive front fascia with larger intake openings was developed, and the headlights have been redesigned, adding LED accents and daytime running lights (DRLs). From the side view, the standard 17-inch alloy wheel design has been freshened and the rocker panels have been refined. In addition, the mirrors now incorporate power-folding and puddle lamp functions, while the side window surround now receives a decidedly sporty brushed aluminum finish. From the rear view, the taillights have been redesigned and new dual asymmetrical exhaust tips are more cleanly integrated with a new bumper fascia.

Maintaining Hyundai's emphasis on delivering leading safety technology, Genesis boasts world-class active and passive safety features to help both prevent accidents and maximize the well being of its occupants in the event of a collision. Genesis continues the Hyundai tradition of standardizing key life-saving safety technology with Electronic Stability Control (ESC), eight airbags and electronic active head restraints. Active front head restraints have been proven by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety to help prevent whiplash.

Adding to this safety leadership for 2012, Genesis adds new daytime running lamps to all models. Further, Genesis offers a newly-developed Lane Departure Warning System (LDWS), available on the 3.8 Technology package, 4.6 and 5.0 R-Spec models.
Genesis' total of eight airbags includes advanced dual front airbags, front and rear seat-mounted side-impact airbags, and roof-mounted side curtain airbags for both front and rear outboard seat occupants.

Genesis has a total of eight ultrasonic sensors located on the front and rear bumpers. The sensors, along with the rear backup camera, help detect how close objects are when parking. Distance is indicated on the in-dash screen and accompanied by an audible warning tone.
Genesis is brought to a halt by large four-wheel anti-lock disc brakes with Brake Assist and Electronic Brake Distribution (EBD). Genesis 3.8 models now have large 13.0-inch front rotors with four-piston fixed calipers, while 4.6 and 5.0 models have oversized 13.6-inch front rotors.

Genesis 3.8 Standard Equipment
2012 Genesis also will increase its impressive list of standard equipment, adding headlight LED accents and daytime running lights (DRLs) and outside mirror puddle lamps.

Genesis 3.8 Premium Package
The 3.8 Premium Package will now offer newly-developed power-folding outside mirrors and heated rear seats with console controls. For 2012, the 3.8 Premium package will also include rearview camera, DVD navigation system with seven-inch touchscreen, XM NavTraffic, and 18-inch Hyper Silver split-spoke alloy wheels.

Genesis 3.8 Technology Package
The 3.8 Technology package will continue to satisfy tech-savvy buyers, adding a newly-developed Lane Departure Warning System (LDWS), and thin-film-transistor LCD gauge cluster readout.

Hyundai Motor America, headquartered in Fountain Valley, Calif., is a subsidiary of Hyundai Motor Co. of Korea. Hyundai vehicles are distributed throughout the United States by Hyundai Motor America and are sold and serviced through more than 800 dealerships nationwide. All Hyundai vehicles sold in the U.S. are covered by the Hyundai Assurance program, which includes the 5-year/60,000-mile fully transferable new vehicle warranty, Hyundai's 10-year/100,000-mile powertrain warranty and 5-years of complimentary Roadside Assistance.


확실히 해외보도자료가 정확하고 양이 많죠.

아예 국내에 출시하지 않으면 몰라도 제네시스 부분변경모델의 경우 국내에서도 출시할 가능성이 높으니 좀더 자세한 자동차의 특징을 보도자료에 기술했으면 좋겠습니다.